Data Center Construction, Data Center Real Estate Companies, and Go-to-Market Strategy (GTM) for Growth

Data Center Construction, Data Center Real Estate Companies, and Go-to-Market Strategy (GTM) for Growth | DCSMIAre you part of a data center construction company? Or a data center real estate company?

Do you work on a go-to-market team that needs a better GTM strategy to achieve your company’s growth goals? Across all relevant areas -- including sales, marketing, customer success, product, channel partnerships, and executive leadership?

With the growing popularity of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), the Internet of Things (IoT), hybrid cloud services, infrastructure as a service (IaaS), and software as a service (SaaS), the need to securely store this information is also rising. 

However, efficiently and effectively reaching their target market has often been a go-to-market challenge for data center construction and data center real estate-related companies that market and sell to or partner with enterprise data centers and data center providers.

Data center construction companies and data center real estate companies are a big part of the rapidly evolving world of data infrastructure. These companies each play a distinct yet interconnected role in data center facilities, which are the backbone of our digital age.

Data center construction companies build the physical structures that house data centers. Construction companies possess expertise in designing, constructing, and equipping these highly specialized facilities. These companies ensure that data centers are not just functional but also energy-efficient and scalable. Their role extends to maintaining and upgrading data center facilities to align them with evolving technology needs.

Data center real estate companies identify, acquire, and manage properties suited for data center development. They understand the critical importance of location, connectivity, and compliance with data center industry regulations. These companies purchase or lease land and existing buildings, transforming them into state-of-the-art data center facilities. They also offer leasing opportunities to various clients, from tech giants to smaller enterprises, allowing them to access the data center space they need without the complexities of property ownership.

Together, data center construction companies and data center real estate companies form a vital ecosystem that enables organizations to harness the power of data. The construction firms create the physical infrastructure, while the real estate companies ensure that these facilities are strategically located and efficiently managed. Both entities play crucial roles in supporting businesses' data processing, storage, and connectivity needs in this dynamic digital landscape, ultimately driving innovation and progress in the digital world.

What Are the Different Kinds of Data Center Construction and Data Center Real Estate Companies?

What Are the Different Kinds of Data Center Construction and Data Center Real Estate Companies? | DCSMIData center construction and real estate-related companies are committed to excellence in data center infrastructure. 

They collectively contribute to creating and efficiently operating data center facilities, addressing critical aspects such as physical construction, architectural design, electrical and mechanical systems, real estate acquisition and management, strategic investments, and site selection. 

These companies work together to ensure that data centers are strategically located, expertly designed, environmentally efficient, and well-maintained, facilitating secure and reliable data handling in our increasingly digital world.

Data Center Construction

Data center construction companies play a pivotal role in developing and establishing data center facilities, which are critical to modern technology-driven organizations. These companies:

  • Design and Plan: Data center construction companies are responsible for the initial design and planning of data center facilities. This includes creating -- or at least supervising the creation of -- blueprints, layout designs, and architectural plans to ensure that the data center meets the specific needs of its clients.
  • Build Infrastructure: These companies oversee the physical construction of data center buildings, including everything from the structural framework to installing electrical and mechanical systems. Their expertise ensures that data centers are built to industry standards and optimized for efficiency and scalability.
  • Construct Electrical and Mechanical Systems: Data centers require highly specialized electrical and mechanical systems to maintain the correct temperature, humidity, and power supply. Construction companies are responsible for installing and configuring these systems to ensure uninterrupted operations.
  • Promote Energy Efficiency: With data centers being energy-intensive facilities, construction companies focus on implementing energy-efficient designs. They incorporate advanced cooling technologies, renewable energy sources, and efficient power distribution systems to reduce operational costs and environmental impact.
  • Implement Security Measures: Data center security is super-important. So, these companies design and implement multiple layers of security, including access controls, surveillance systems, and fire suppression measures, to safeguard against physical threats.
  • Allow for Scalability: Data center construction firms plan for future growth by designing facilities that can easily scale to accommodate more servers and equipment. This flexibility is crucial as data demands continue to expand.
  • Support Compliance and Regulations: They ensure data centers adhere to industry regulations and compliance standards, particularly in sectors with strict data handling requirements like finance and healthcare.
  • Manage Projects: Data center construction projects are complex and require meticulous project management to meet timelines and budgets. These companies oversee the entire construction process, coordinating various subcontractors and ensuring seamless execution.
  • Customize Solutions: Every data center is unique, and construction companies tailor their solutions to meet the specific needs of their clients, whether it's a large hyperscale data center or a smaller enterprise facility.
  • Oversee Maintenance and Upgrades: Beyond construction, many data center construction firms offer ongoing maintenance and upgrade services. They monitor the data center's performance, conduct regular inspections, and implement necessary improvements to ensure optimal functionality.

Data center construction companies are essential partners for organizations looking to establish, expand, or upgrade their data center infrastructure. They combine a diverse range of expertise, from architecture and engineering to electrical and mechanical systems, to create secure, efficient, high-performance facilities that are the backbone of today's digital age.

Data Center Design

Data center design companies focus on the architectural and engineering aspects of creating efficient, reliable, and secure data center facilities. Their expertise lies in creating the blueprints and plans that serve as the foundation for the construction and operation of data centers. This includes:

  • Manage Architectural Planning: Data center design companies excel in creating architectural layouts and floor plans for data center facilities. They consider space allocation, equipment placement, and accessibility to ensure an optimal layout that maximizes efficiency and scalability.
  • Plan Redundancy and Resilience: They design data centers with redundancy and resilience to minimize downtime and ensure continuous operations. This approach involves creating backup systems for power, cooling, and networking to safeguard against failures.
  • Promote Energy Efficiency: Data center design firms prioritize energy efficiency by incorporating advanced cooling systems, hot/cold aisle containment, and other technologies to reduce power consumption and operational costs.
  • Plan Security: Security is a top concern, and these companies design data centers with multiple layers of security, including biometric access controls, surveillance systems, and physical barriers to protect against unauthorized access and threats.
  • Support Compliance and Regulations: Data center design companies ensure that data centers comply with industry regulations and standards, and any specific requirements relevant to their clients' industries, such as HIPAA in healthcare or PCI DSS in finance.
  • Allow for Scalability: Design companies plan for future growth and scalability, ensuring the facility can accommodate additional servers and infrastructure as data demands increase.
  • Incorporate Cooling and HVAC Systems: These firms specialize in designing efficient cooling and HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems that maintain the optimal operating temperature and humidity levels within the data center.
  • Optimize Space: They are experts in maximizing space utilization, which is critical in data center design. This service involves careful planning of rack layouts, cable management, and equipment placement to minimize wasted space.
  • Integrate Power Distribution: Data center design companies work on the intricacies of power distribution, ensuring that electricity is distributed efficiently and redundantly to support the data center's demanding power needs.
  • Help With Documentation and Compliance: Detailed documentation of the data center's design is crucial to a design company’s work. This documentation helps ensure that the constructed facility aligns with the original design intent and meets all compliance requirements.

Data center design companies are essential to the development of data center infrastructure. Their deep expertise in architecture, engineering, security, energy efficiency, and scalability results in the creation of data center facilities that are not only highly functional but also capable of meeting the ever-evolving demands of today's technology-driven world. Their designs form the basis for constructing and operating data centers at the heart of digital operations for businesses across various industries.

Data Center Electrical and Mechanical Contracting

Data center electrical and mechanical contracting companies, often called E&M contractors, install, maintain, and optimize the critical electrical and mechanical systems that power and cool data centers.

These companies play a vital role in ensuring data centers operate efficiently, reliably, and safely. Here's a more detailed look at what data center E&M contracting companies do:

  • Install Electrical Systems: They are responsible for installing electrical systems within data centers. This includes power distribution units, backup generators, uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), and electrical panels to ensure a continuous and stable power supply.
  • Install Mechanical Systems: Data center E&M contractors also handle the installation of mechanical systems crucial for temperature and humidity control. This includes precision cooling units, air handling units (AHUs), and HVAC systems.
  • Implement Cooling and Climate Control: These companies specialize in designing, installing, and maintaining the cooling systems required to keep data centers at the optimal temperature and humidity levels. Efficient cooling is vital to prevent overheating and equipment failures.
  • Install and Maintain UPS and Backup Power: Ensuring uninterrupted power is a top concern in data centers. E&M contractors install and maintain UPS systems and backup power solutions, such as diesel generators and battery banks, to provide seamless power in case of outages.
  • Oversee Electrical Safety: They implement electrical safety measures, including grounding, surge protection, and fire suppression systems, to protect against electrical hazards and mitigate risks.
  • Optimize Energy Efficiency: Data center E&M contractors enhance energy efficiency by optimizing power and cooling systems. They often employ advanced technologies like variable frequency drives (VFDs) and hot/cold aisle containment to reduce energy consumption.
  • Install and Integrate Monitoring and Control Systems: They install and integrate monitoring and control systems that provide real-time data on power usage, environmental conditions, and equipment performance. These systems help in proactive maintenance and issue resolution.
  • Manage Maintenance and Service: E&M contractors provide routine maintenance and servicing to ensure all systems operate efficiently. Regular inspections and preventive maintenance help prevent costly downtime.
  • Upgrade and Modernize: As technology evolves, these contractors assist in upgrading and modernizing existing electrical and mechanical systems to keep data centers in line with current standards and industry best practices.
  • Support Compliance and Regulations: Data center E&M contractors ensure that all systems adhere to industry regulations and standards, including electrical codes, safety guidelines, and environmental regulations.

Data center electrical and mechanical contractors are indispensable partners in the data center industry. Their expertise in electrical and mechanical systems installation, maintenance, and energy efficiency plays a critical role in ensuring the uninterrupted operation of data centers. Their work directly contributes to data center operations' reliability, security, and sustainability.

Data Center Real Estate

Data center real estate companies focus on acquiring, developing, and managing properties dedicated to housing data center facilities. These companies provide the physical infrastructure required for data center operations. This includes:

  • Acquire Property: Data center real estate companies identify, purchase, or lease strategically located properties to meet data center operators' needs. They consider proximity to fiber optic networks, power availability, and accessibility to ensure ideal locations.
  • Develop and Convert Properties: Once properties are acquired, these firms may oversee the development or conversion of existing structures into data center facilities. This work involves designing layouts, building infrastructure, and configuring the spaces to accommodate data center equipment.
  • Provide Leasing and Colocation Services: Data center real estate companies offer leasing options to clients, including technology companies, cloud service providers, and enterprises. They may also provide colocation services within shared data center facilities, allowing multiple clients to use the same space.
  • Customize Properties: They often customize data center space to meet the unique requirements of their clients. These customizations can include building to specific power and cooling specifications or accommodating specialized security needs.
  • Manage and Maintain Priorities: Data center real estate companies are responsible for their properties' ongoing management and maintenance. This includes routine inspections, repairs, and upgrades to ensure optimal functionality.
  • Make Strategic Investments: Some firms also invest in data center properties in their portfolio diversification strategy. They recognize the value of data center real estate as a stable and potentially lucrative investment.
  • Analyze the Market: Data center real estate companies closely monitor market trends, demand patterns, and regulatory changes in the data center industry. Their market insights help them make informed decisions about property acquisition and development.
  • Mitigate Risks: They assess and mitigate risks associated with property ownership, such as compliance with local zoning laws, environmental considerations, and potential natural disasters.
  • Plan For Scalability and Growth: These companies plan for the scalability of their data center properties, ensuring they can adapt to changing client needs and technology advancements.
  • Add Industry Expertise: Data center real estate companies possess deep industry knowledge, allowing them to align their services with the specific requirements and standards of data center operations.

Data center real estate companies are critical enablers for organizations seeking data center space. Their expertise in property acquisition, development, and management ensures that data centers are strategically located, well-maintained, and equipped to support the ever-expanding digital needs of businesses across various industries. Their role facilitates the growth and success of the data center industry.

Data Center Real Estate Investment

Data center real estate investment companies invest in, own, and manage data center properties as part of their investment portfolio. 

These companies recognize the growing demand for data center facilities and their critical role in the digital age, making data center real estate a lucrative investment opportunity. Their roles include:

  • Acquire Properties: These firms acquire data center properties, including existing facilities or land suitable for data center development. They strategically select properties based on location, connectivity, and access to power infrastructure.
  • Own and Operate: Data center real estate investment companies assume ownership of data center properties and often lease them to data center operators or technology companies. They handle the ongoing operation, maintenance, and management of these facilities.
  • Manage Leasing and Revenue Generation: Their primary source of revenue is leasing data center space to clients, such as colocation providers, cloud service companies, or enterprises needing secure and reliable data storage and processing facilities.
  • Oversee Long-Term Investments: Data center real estate investment is typically considered a long-term investment strategy. These companies recognize the stability and potential for growth in the data center market, making it an attractive asset for their portfolio.
  • Diversify Risk: Including data center real estate in their investment portfolio allows these firms to diversify their risk exposure across different asset classes, helping to mitigate risk in their overall investment strategy.
  • Analyze and Research Market: Data center real estate investment companies closely monitor the data center industry, market trends, and demand patterns to make informed decisions about property acquisition and portfolio management.
  • Upgrade Infrastructure: They may invest in infrastructure upgrades and modernization to keep their data center properties competitive and aligned with industry standards.
  • Manage Income Generation: These firms aim to generate a steady stream of rental income from their data center properties, which can provide a reliable source of cash flow.
  • Expand Portfolio: As the demand for data center space continues to grow, data center real estate investment companies often seek opportunities to expand their portfolio by acquiring additional properties or developing new facilities.
  • Cultivate Strategic Partnerships: Some companies collaborate with data center operators or technology companies to explore joint ventures or partnerships that can enhance the value and performance of their data center properties.

Data center real estate investment companies play a critical role in the data center ecosystem by recognizing the value of data center properties as stable and potentially lucrative investments. Their expertise in property acquisition, ownership, and management contributes to the growth and stability of the data center industry, making it possible for organizations to access the data center space they need to support their digital operations.

Data Center Site Selection

Data center site selection firms identify and evaluate optimal locations for building or expanding data center facilities. Their primary focus is selecting sites that meet specific criteria critical to data center operations. Their roles include:

  • Identify Strategic Locations: These companies help clients identify strategic geographic areas for data center development. Key considerations include proximity to major cities, fiber optic networks, and reliable power sources.
  • Evaluate Sites: Data center site selection firms conduct in-depth evaluations of potential locations, considering land availability, environmental conditions, zoning regulations, and geological stability.
  • Assess Power Infrastructure: They assess the adequacy and reliability of local power infrastructure, as data centers require robust and redundant power sources to ensure uninterrupted operations.
  • Analyze Connectivity: Evaluating the availability of high-speed internet connectivity and diverse network paths is crucial. Site selection companies consider the proximity to network access points and fiber optic routes.
  • Evaluate Disaster Resilience: They assess the site's vulnerability to natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, and wildfires, ensuring data centers are located in areas with minimal risk.
  • Analyze Costs: Site selection firms help clients assess the overall cost of establishing and operating a data center at a particular location, factoring in construction costs, taxes, utilities, and labor expenses.
  • Manage Regulatory Compliance: They ensure that data center sites adhere to local and national regulations and standards related to data security, environmental impact, and building codes.
  • Address Security Considerations: Site security is paramount, and these firms evaluate the site's security measures, considering factors like crime rates and proximity to critical infrastructure.
  • Evaluate Scalability and Future Expansion: They assess whether the selected site can accommodate future expansion needs as data demands grow, ensuring long-term viability.
  • Perform Site Negotiation: Site selection companies often negotiate with property owners or government entities to secure favorable land acquisition or leasing terms on their clients' behalf.
  • Mitigate Risk: Their goal is to minimize risks associated with site selection, helping clients make informed decisions that align with their data center strategy and business goals.
  • Customize Services: Data center site selection firms tailor their services to the unique needs of their clients, whether it's for large-scale hyperscale data centers or smaller enterprise facilities.

Data center site selection firms play a critical role in the success of projects by helping organizations choose the right locations for their data center facilities. Their expertise in evaluating and identifying suitable sites ensures that data centers are strategically positioned to meet operational needs, minimize risks, and support efficient and reliable digital data processing.

Who Needs Data Center Construction and Data Center Real Estate Companies?

Who Needs Data Center Construction and Data Center Real Estate Companies? | DCSMIData center construction companies and data center real estate companies are essential partners for a wide range of organizations and entities that rely on digital infrastructure and data management. Here's a detailed breakdown of who needs their services:

  • Technology Companies: Tech giants, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure, need data center construction companies to build and expand their vast networks of hyperscale data centers. These data center facilities support technology giants’ cloud computing services, ensuring data processing, storage, and accessibility at scale.
  • Enterprises: Large corporations in various industries, including finance, healthcare, and manufacturing, require data center construction companies to establish private data centers. These facilities help manage critical data and applications, ensuring data security and operational continuity.
  • Colocation Data Center Providers: Companies offering colocation services depend on data center real estate companies to acquire, develop, and manage data center properties. Colocation providers offer space, power, and connectivity to businesses that prefer outsourcing their data center needs.
  • Cloud Service Providers: Apart from building their own data centers, cloud service providers often lease or acquire data center space from data center real estate companies to expand their infrastructure and meet the increasing demand for cloud services.
  • Government Agencies: Government entities require data center facilities to store and manage sensitive data, ranging from citizen records to national security information. Data center construction companies help build secure and compliant government data centers.
  • Financial Institutions: Banks and financial institutions rely on data centers to process financial transactions, manage customer data, and comply with regulatory requirements. They often partner with construction companies to build robust data center facilities.
  • Healthcare Providers: Healthcare organizations need data center facilities to securely store electronic health records (EHRs) and medical imaging data. Data center construction companies play a role in designing and building healthcare data centers that adhere to strict regulatory standards.
  • eCommerce Businesses: Online retailers and eCommerce platforms require data centers to manage their websites, inventory, and customer databases. They may seek construction companies to create scalable and reliable data center solutions.
  • Education Institutions: Universities and colleges rely on data centers for academic and administrative purposes. Data center construction companies assist in building and upgrading educational data centers to support research and online learning initiatives.
  • Energy and Utility Companies: Energy and utility providers use data centers to manage power grids, monitor infrastructure, and analyze energy consumption data. Data center real estate companies can help them identify suitable locations for their infrastructure.
  • Emerging Technologies: Emerging technologies like edge computing and the Internet of Things require data center facilities closer to the point of data generation. Companies involved in these sectors seek construction and real estate companies to establish edge data centers.
  • Startups and Small Businesses: Even smaller organizations benefit from the services of data center construction and real estate companies when they need to scale up their digital operations. Colocation facilities or leased data center space can be cost-effective solutions.

Data center construction and real estate companies serve a diverse clientele that spans industries and organizations of all sizes. Their services enable businesses, government entities, and technology providers to establish, expand, and maintain the data center infrastructure necessary for storing, processing, and managing digital data in our increasingly interconnected world.

Who Leads Data Center Construction and Data Center Real Estate Companies and Their Top Concerns

Who Leads Data Center Construction and Data Center Real Estate Companies and Their Top Concerns | DCSMILeaders of data center construction companies and data center real estate companies play pivotal roles in shaping the success and growth of these firms. These leaders are typically individuals with diverse expertise, combining knowledge of construction, real estate, technology, and business. 

Leaders of Data Center Construction Companies

  • Chief Executive Officers (CEOs): CEOs lead data center construction companies. These leaders provide strategic direction, set company goals, and oversee day-to-day operations. Their top concern is ensuring projects are completed efficiently, within budget, and meet high-quality standards.
  • Chief Operating Officers (COOs): COOs are responsible for the company's operational aspects. They focus on optimizing processes, resource allocation, and project management. A primary concern for COOs is ensuring the smooth execution of construction projects and meeting deadlines.
  • Chief Financial Officers (CFOs): CFOs manage the financial aspects, including budgeting, financial planning, and risk assessment. Their top concerns include cost control, managing cash flow, and securing project funding.
  • Chief Technology Officers (CTOs): CTOs oversee technology integration within data center construction. They implement innovative solutions, ensure technologically advanced data center designs, and address cybersecurity concerns.
  • Chief Engineering Officers (CEOs): CEOs lead the technical aspects of construction, including electrical and mechanical engineering. They are concerned with technical feasibility, energy efficiency, and reliability of data center designs.
  • Project Managers: Project managers oversee individual data center construction projects. Their top concerns include project scheduling, resource allocation, risk management, and client satisfaction.

Top Concerns for Leaders of Data Center Construction Companies

  • Project Efficiency: Leaders are concerned with optimizing project timelines, resource allocation, and workflow efficiency to deliver data centers on schedule and within budget.
  • Quality Assurance: Ensuring the highest quality standards in construction, including the reliability of electrical and mechanical systems, is a top priority to avoid costly downtime.
  • Cost Management: Managing construction costs, including materials, labor, and equipment, is critical to maintaining profitability and competitive pricing.
  • Safety: Safety is hugely important, and leaders must prioritize the well-being of construction personnel and adhere to stringent safety regulations.
  • Technology Integration: Staying abreast of technology advancements and integrating them into data center designs is crucial for competitiveness and meeting client expectations.

Leaders of Data Center Real Estate Companies

  • CEOs: CEOs guide data center real estate companies, setting strategic goals and overseeing real estate acquisition, leasing, and management. Their top concern is portfolio growth and profitability.
  • Chief Investment Officers (CIOs): CIOs focus on investment strategies, identifying potential acquisitions, and optimizing real estate portfolios. They are concerned with making sound investment decisions that align with the company's objectives.
  • Chief Operating Officers (COOs): COOs manage the operational aspects of real estate holdings, including property management and tenant relations. Their primary concern is ensuring that data center properties are efficiently operated and maintained.
  • Chief Financial Officers (CFOs): CFOs handle financial matters, including budgeting, analysis, and risk management. Their top concerns revolve around revenue generation, cost control, and profitability.
  • Real Estate Development Managers: These professionals oversee the development and construction of new data center properties. They are concerned with site selection, construction timelines, and budget adherence.

Top Concerns for Leaders of Data Center Real Estate Companies

  • Strategic Growth: Leaders focus on expanding the data center real estate portfolio through acquisitions, development, and leasing agreements to maximize revenue.
  • Tenant Retention: Ensuring high tenant occupancy rates and tenant satisfaction is critical to stable income streams and long-term profitability.
  • Risk Mitigation: Leaders must assess and mitigate risks associated with property ownership, including regulatory compliance, environmental concerns, and property market fluctuations.
  • Compliance: Adhering to local, state, and federal regulations, including zoning and environmental laws, is a top concern to avoid legal complications.
  • Operational Efficiency: Managing property operations, maintenance, and tenant relations contributes to tenant retention and profitability.

Data center construction and data center real estate companies are led by multifaceted professionals who must balance diverse responsibilities. Their top concerns revolve around efficient project execution, cost management, technology integration (for construction leaders), strategic growth, tenant satisfaction, risk mitigation, and compliance. These leaders shape the success and sustainability of data center-related businesses in the ever-evolving technology landscape.

Challenges Facing Data Center Construction and Data Center Real Estate Companies That Sell to Data Centers

Challenges Facing Data Center Construction and Data Center Real Estate Companies That Sell to Data Centers | DCSMIData center construction companies and data center real estate companies that sell their services to data centers face several significant challenges in the highly competitive and rapidly evolving industry. 

These challenges can impact their ability to meet client demands, stay profitable, and maintain a competitive edge. Here are some of the biggest challenges they encounter:

  • Cost Management: Managing construction and real estate development costs is a constant challenge. Material prices, labor and equipment expenses can fluctuate, impacting project budgets. Staying within budget while delivering quality infrastructure is critical.
  • Energy Efficiency: Data centers are notorious for their high energy consumption. Construction companies must design and build facilities that meet stringent energy efficiency standards to reduce operational costs for data center providers. Real estate companies should also ensure that properties are equipped with energy-efficient infrastructure.
  • Rapid Technology Advancements: Technology evolves quickly in the data center industry. Construction and real estate companies must keep up with the latest innovations in power and cooling systems, networking infrastructure, and security measures to offer state-of-the-art solutions to their clients.
  • Environmental Regulations: Environmental concerns and regulations are growing in importance. Construction and real estate companies must adhere to strict environmental standards, particularly in energy efficiency, waste management, and sustainable construction practices.
  • Security and Compliance: Data centers handle sensitive information, and security is paramount. Meeting stringent security and compliance requirements, such as those outlined in regulations like GDPR and HIPAA, is a significant challenge for construction and real estate companies.
  • Scalability: Data centers need to be scalable to accommodate growing data demands. Construction companies must design facilities with scalability in mind. And real estate companies need to ensure properties can support expansion when needed.
  • Availability and Reliability: Data centers require high availability and reliability. Construction firms must build redundant systems, and real estate companies must provide properties with reliable power and connectivity options.
  • Competition: The data center industry is highly competitive. Construction and real estate companies must differentiate themselves through innovation, quality, and cost-effectiveness to win contracts and clients.
  • Site Selection: Data center site selection is crucial. Real estate companies must identify suitable locations that offer proximity to power sources, fiber networks, and low risk from natural disasters. This process can be challenging in regions with limited availability.
  • Financial Risk: Both construction and real estate projects involve significant financial investments. Managing financial risks associated with construction delays, market fluctuations, and client demands for customization can be daunting.
  • Skilled Workforce: Finding and retaining skilled labor is a persistent challenge. The construction industry often faces labor shortages in fields like electrical engineering and skilled trades, while real estate companies need experts in site evaluation and property management.
  • Regulatory Changes: Regulatory changes in zoning, land use, and building codes can impact construction and real estate projects. Staying informed and adaptable is crucial to navigate these changes effectively.
  • Data Center Consolidation: Some clients are consolidating their data center operations, which can reduce the demand for new construction or real estate properties. Companies must diversify their client base and services to adapt to changing market dynamics.
  • Financing: Securing financing for large-scale construction projects or property acquisitions can be challenging, particularly during economic downturns or in regions with limited access to capital.

Data center construction companies and data center real estate companies that sell to data centers operate in a dynamic and competitive environment. Navigating these challenges requires a combination of adaptability, technical expertise, innovation, and a commitment to meeting client needs while adhering to evolving industry standards and regulations.

Comparing Data Center Construction vs. Data Center Real Estate Companies

Comparing Data Center Construction vs. Data Center Real Estate Companies | DCSMIData center construction companies and data center real estate companies serve distinct but interconnected roles within the data center industry. While they contribute to establishing and operating data center facilities, their focuses, responsibilities, and business models differ significantly. Below, we'll compare the differences between these two types of companies in detail:

Focus and Core Functions of Data Center Construction Companies

  • Focus: These companies specialize in the physical construction of data center facilities, including the design and implementation of the building's infrastructure, electrical and mechanical systems, cooling solutions, and security measures.
  • Core Functions: They plan, design, and build data center structures from the ground up or retrofit existing spaces into data centers. Their primary concern is ensuring the facility's technical robustness, scalability, and compliance with industry standards.

Focus and Core Functions of Data Center Real Estate Companies

  • Focus: Data center real estate companies acquire, manage, and lease data center properties. Their primary objective is to provide clients with physical space suitable for data center operations.
  • Core Functions: They identify, purchase, or lease properties and often customize them to accommodate data center infrastructure. Real estate companies manage the properties, offer leasing options to data center operators, and ensure compliance with local regulations.

Business Models of Data Center Construction Companies

  • Revenue: Their primary source of revenue comes from construction contracts. They bill clients for design, engineering, labor, and materials for building or retrofitting data center facilities.
  • Client Relationships: They directly interact with data center operators, technology companies, and enterprises seeking to build or expand data center infrastructure.

Business Models of Data Center Real Estate Companies

  • Revenue: Their revenue primarily derives from leasing data center space. Clients pay rent for data center facilities, including power, cooling, and physical security.
  • Client Relationships: Their clients are typically data center operators, cloud service providers, or businesses seeking to outsource their data center needs.

Project Duration of Data Center Construction Companies

  • Project Duration: Their projects have defined timelines and typically span from several months to a few years, depending on the size and complexity of the data center.

Project Duration of Data Center Real Estate Companies

  • Project Duration: Real estate companies engage in ongoing property management and leasing activities. Their projects are often long-term, with several years to decades of leases.

Expertise and Specialization of Data Center Construction Companies

  • Expertise: They specialize in architectural design, engineering, construction management, electrical and mechanical systems, and physical security measures tailored to data center needs.
  • Specialization: They build and upgrade data center infrastructure.

Expertise and Specialization of Data Center Real Estate Companies

  • Expertise: Real estate companies focus on property acquisition, management, lease negotiation, and compliance with real estate regulations and standards.
  • Specialization: They identify suitable properties, ensure infrastructure compliance, and provide leasing opportunities.

Risk Factors of Data Center Construction Companies

  • Risk: They face risks related to project delays, cost overruns, labor shortages, and adherence to construction codes and regulations.

Risk Factors of Data Center Real Estate Companies

  • Risk: Real estate companies must contend with market fluctuations, property maintenance costs, tenant turnover, and regulatory changes affecting property use.

Scalability of Data Center Construction Companies:

  • Scalability: They can take on multiple construction projects concurrently depending on their resources and workforce.

Scalability of Data Center Real Estate Companies

  • Scalability: Real estate companies can scale their portfolio by acquiring additional properties or retrofitting existing ones to meet growing client demands.

Role in the Data Center Ecosystem of Data Center Construction Companies

  • Role: The builders and architects create the physical infrastructure that houses data center operations.

Role in the Data Center Ecosystem of Data Center Real Estate Companies

  • Role: Property managers and landlords provide the physical space and facilities for data center operations.

While data center construction companies and data center real estate companies serve different functions, they are interdependent in supporting the growth and success of data center operations. Construction companies create the physical infrastructure, while real estate companies provide the space and management needed for data center facilities to thrive. Together, they play essential roles in ensuring data centers' reliability, efficiency, and scalability in today's digital landscape.

What Enterprises and Data Center Providers Look for When Choosing Data Center Construction and Data Center Real Estate Companies

What Enterprises and Data Center Providers Look for When Choosing Data Center Construction and Data Center Real Estate Companies | DCSMIEnterprises and data center providers have specific criteria and considerations when selecting data center construction and data center real estate companies to partner with. The decision to engage these service providers is critical, as it directly impacts data center operations' functionality, efficiency, and reliability. Below, we'll explore what enterprises and data center providers look for when choosing these companies:

Selection Criteria for Data Center Construction Companies

When choosing data center construction companies, enterprises and data center providers consider various factors to ensure they partner with a firm that meets their specific needs and objectives. Selecting the right construction company is critical, as it impacts data center operations' functionality, reliability, and efficiency. Here are vital considerations that enterprises and data center providers look for when choosing data center construction companies:

  • Expertise and Experience: Enterprises and data center providers seek construction companies with a proven track record in building data centers. Experience demonstrates a company's ability to handle complex projects and deliver successful outcomes.
  • Industry Knowledge: Knowledge of the data center industry is crucial. Construction companies should understand industry standards, compliance requirements, and best practices specific to data center construction.
  • Customization: Data center needs can vary significantly. Enterprises and providers look for construction firms capable of tailoring designs and solutions to meet their unique requirements, whether related to size, capacity, security, or technology.
  • Compliance and Security: Data center construction must adhere to various compliance standards, such as Tier Classification, Uptime Institute, or industry-specific regulations (e.g., HIPAA, PCI DSS). A construction company's commitment to compliance and security is a crucial consideration.
  • Energy Efficiency: Enterprises and providers increasingly focus on energy efficiency to reduce operational costs and environmental impact. Construction companies should integrate energy-efficient designs and technologies into their projects.
  • Scalability: The ability to scale infrastructure quickly is essential. Construction companies must design data centers with scalability to accommodate future growth without significant disruption.
  • Reliability and Uptime: Data centers require high availability and minimal downtime. Construction firms should specialize in designing redundant systems and failover mechanisms to ensure uninterrupted operations.
  • Project Management: Effective project management is crucial to meet deadlines and budgets. Enterprises and providers look for construction companies with a strong project management track record and efficient resource allocation.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: While quality is paramount, construction costs are always a concern. Clients want construction companies that can deliver value without sacrificing quality.
  • Sustainability: Sustainability practices are gaining importance. Construction companies should implement eco-friendly building practices and consider the environmental impact of their projects.
  • References and Testimonials: Enterprises and providers often request references and testimonials from previous clients to assess a construction company's performance, client satisfaction, and successful project outcomes.
  • Technology Integration: The construction firm should have a thorough understanding of the latest technology trends in data centers, including advancements in cooling systems, power management, and security measures.
  • Project Timeline: Meeting project timelines is essential to avoid delays in data center operations. Construction companies should have a history of delivering projects on schedule.
  • Financial Stability: Financial stability is a sign of a construction company's long-term viability. Clients prefer firms capable of securing financing and managing budgets effectively.
  • Disaster Recovery: Robust disaster recovery capabilities are vital. Construction companies should prioritize designing data centers with disaster recovery solutions that align with clients' business continuity needs.
  • Innovation: Enterprises and providers appreciate construction firms that embrace innovative construction techniques, materials, and technologies to enhance the performance and efficiency of data centers.
  • Reputation: A construction company's reputation in the industry plays a significant role in the decision-making process. Positive industry recognition and client testimonials can instill confidence in potential clients.
  • Partnership and Collaboration: A collaborative approach to working with clients and industry partners is valued. Construction companies should be willing to collaborate and adapt to the evolving needs of their clients.
  • Post-Construction Support: Some clients appreciate construction companies that offer post-construction support, including maintenance services and assistance with operational optimization.
  • Financial Transparency: Clients often expect clear and transparent financial practices, including detailed project cost breakdowns and billing procedures.

Enterprises and data center providers carefully evaluate data center construction companies based on a range of criteria to ensure they choose a partner capable of delivering a data center that meets their technical, operational, and business requirements. The selection process is a critical step in the success of data center projects. Choosing the right construction company contributes to the reliability and efficiency of their data center infrastructure.

Selection Criteria for Data Center Real Estate Companies

Choosing the right data center real estate company is a crucial decision for enterprises and data center providers, as it directly impacts the location, functionality, and efficiency of their data center operations. When selecting a data center real estate partner, these entities consider several important factors to ensure the chosen firm aligns with their specific needs and objectives. Here's an in-depth look at what enterprises and data center providers look for when selecting data center real estate companies:

  • Location and Accessibility: The primary consideration for both enterprises and data center providers is the location of the data center property. It should be strategically situated near network access points, fiber connectivity, reliable power sources, and major markets. Accessibility for clients and staff is also essential.
  • Scalability: Data center real estate companies must offer properties that can accommodate the scalability requirements of their clients. Enterprises and providers often need the flexibility to expand their infrastructure as data demands grow, so the property should have room for expansion.
  • Reliability and Infrastructure: The property should have reliable electrical and mechanical systems, including redundant power sources, backup generators, cooling solutions, and fire suppression systems. A robust infrastructure ensures uninterrupted operations.
  • Security Measures: Security is a top priority. Real estate companies must have stringent security measures, including access controls, surveillance systems, and physical security features like perimeter fencing and secure access points.
  • Compliance and Certification: Data center properties should comply with industry standards and certifications like Tier Certification from the Uptime Institute or specific regulations such as HIPAA or PCI DSS. Compliance ensures the property meets security and reliability requirements.
  • Power and Connectivity: Access to sufficient power capacity and high-speed connectivity is essential. Real estate companies should ensure the property can support power and networking in data center operations.
  • Lease Terms and Flexibility: Lease agreements must align with the business model and client needs. Enterprises and providers look for flexible lease terms that offer options for expansion or contraction as their requirements change.
  • Operational Support: Real estate companies that provide operational support services, including property management, maintenance, and on-site staff, are attractive to enterprises and providers. These services streamline day-to-day operations.
  • Financial Stability: Clients prefer data center real estate partners that are financially stable and capable of long-term property management and maintenance. Financial stability instills confidence in the long-term viability of the partnership.
  • Sustainability Initiatives: Sustainability practices, including energy-efficient designs and eco-friendly infrastructure, are increasingly important. Real estate companies that prioritize green initiatives align with clients' environmental objectives.
  • Disaster Recovery and Resilience: Clients require data center properties that are resilient to natural disasters and equipped with robust disaster recovery capabilities. Real estate companies should consider the property's disaster resistance and recovery capabilities.
  • Customer References and Case Studies: Enterprises and providers often request customer references or case studies to assess a data center real estate company's ability to deliver on promises and support their business objectives.
  • Market Knowledge: Understanding the local and regional data center market is crucial. Real estate companies should have insights into market trends, property availability, and competitive landscape to provide clients with strategic advice.
  • Connectivity Ecosystem: Data center real estate should be part of a connectivity ecosystem that offers access to multiple carriers, cloud providers, and internet exchanges. A diverse and rich ecosystem enhances network redundancy and connectivity options.
  • Lease Negotiation Skills: Negotiating lease agreements can be complex. Real estate companies should have skilled professionals capable of negotiating favorable terms on behalf of their clients.
  • Risk Management: Understanding risk management, including insurance coverage and risk mitigation strategies, is essential for data center providers and enterprises. Real estate companies should assist clients in managing risk related to property and operations.
  • Reputation and Industry Recognition: A data center real estate company's reputation in the industry is a critical factor. Positive industry recognition, awards, and testimonials from other clients can instill confidence in potential clients.
  • Sustainability Certifications: Real estate companies with sustainability certifications like LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) can appeal to clients with strong environmental commitments.
  • Partnership Orientation: A collaborative approach to working with clients and industry partners is valued. Real estate companies should be willing to collaborate and adapt to the evolving needs of their clients.
  • Financial Transparency: Clear and transparent financial practices, including transparent lease pricing and billing, are important to clients for financial planning and budgeting.

Selecting the right data center real estate partner is a strategic decision for enterprises and data center providers. The chosen real estate company determines data center operations' success, reliability, and efficiency. Evaluating these critical factors helps ensure a win/win partnership that supports clients' data center objectives and business goals.

Why Data Center Construction and Data Center Real Estate Companies Need to Modernize Their Product and Service Offerings and Go-to-Market Game Plan (Disrupt or Be Disrupted)

Why Data Center Construction and Data Center Real Estate Companies Need to Modernize Their Product and Service Offerings and Go-to-Market | DCSMIData center construction and data center real estate companies face increasing pressure to modernize their product and service offerings due to several factors that have transformed the data center industry. Embracing modernization is not just an option but a necessity to stay competitive and meet the evolving needs of their clients. Here are key reasons why modernization is imperative for these companies:

  • Technology Advancements: The data center industry is marked by rapid advancements. Newer technologies require data center infrastructure that can support these innovations. Construction and real estate companies must adapt to accommodate these changing requirements.
  • Energy Efficiency: Modern data centers need to be more energy-efficient with a growing emphasis on sustainability and reducing carbon footprints. Construction companies must adopt eco-friendly building practices, while real estate companies should offer properties with green infrastructure to attract environmentally-conscious clients.
  • Cloud and Hybrid Environments: The rise of cloud computing and hybrid cloud solutions has altered data center needs. Modern data centers need to integrate with cloud services seamlessly. Construction and real estate companies should offer solutions facilitating cloud connectivity and hybrid deployments.
  • Edge Data Centers: The growth of edge computing, driven by IoT and low-latency applications, requires data centers to be closer to end-users. Construction and real estate companies need to consider the specific requirements of edge data centers, including smaller footprint designs and distributed locations.
  • Security and Compliance: Security threats are more sophisticated than ever, and data center clients demand robust security measures. Construction and real estate companies must incorporate the latest security technologies and compliance standards into their offerings.
  • Scalability: Clients require data center infrastructure that can scale quickly to accommodate growing data demands. Modernization efforts should focus on creating flexible, scalable solutions that can adapt to clients' changing needs.
  • Remote Management: Remotely managing and monitoring data center facilities has become essential. Modern offerings should incorporate advanced remote management and monitoring capabilities.
  • Edge Analytics: Edge data centers often require real-time analytics capabilities. Construction and real estate companies should consider integrating analytics infrastructure into their designs.
  • Mobile Broadband Connectivity: The rollout of mobile broadband networks is driving demand for data centers. Modernizing data center offerings should consider the need for high-speed, low-latency connectivity.
  • Disaster Recovery: As data becomes more critical, disaster recovery capabilities are super-important. Modern data center designs should prioritize robust disaster recovery solutions. And real estate companies should consider disaster-resistant property locations.
  • Modular Construction: Construction companies can benefit from modern construction methods, such as modular construction, which offers quicker deployment and flexibility in design.
  • Sustainability and Green Initiatives: Green data centers are becoming much more popular. Real estate companies should consider eco-friendly properties, while construction companies should incorporate sustainable building practices and materials.
  • Industry Partnerships: Collaboration with technology providers, software vendors, and other stakeholders is crucial to modernization efforts. These partnerships can lead to more innovative and comprehensive solutions.
  • Remote Work Trends: The shift towards remote work has increased demand for data center services. Modern offerings should consider the impact of remote work on data center needs and accessibility.
  • Data Analytics: Data analytics is central to optimizing data center operations. Construction and real estate companies should explore opportunities to integrate data analytics solutions into their offerings.

According to Gartner research, 83% of business-to-business (B2B) purchase decisions happen before a potential buyer even talks to a sales professional. This process includes conducting research, comparing options, and evaluating pricing.

McKinsey & Company found that between 70% and 80% of B2B decision-makers now prefer to make decisions using digital means, like websites and online resources.

In its B2B Thought Leadership Impact Report, LinkedIn and Edelman concluded that although thought leadership is still crucial for engaging customers, it's become challenging to stand out amid all the noise.

Have you ever been told to watch out for the six most dangerous words? 

"We've always done it this way." 

That mindset served the taxi industry poorly when Uber and Lyft came along. Blockbuster Video didn't fare well against Netflix, Hulu, and other streaming giants. And remember when Motorola and BlackBerry dominated the mobile market? They fell behind when smartphones took over.

And what about Microsoft? They didn't do so hot when they timidly entered the mobile device space while trying to protect their desktop OS franchise.

So, here's a critical question for data center construction and data center real estate companies:

Are you ready to be the disruptor rather than getting disrupted? And should you rethink your go-to-market strategy for growth before it's too late?

To avoid being left behind, consider two undeniable realities:

  1. Your ideal clients only want to spend time with your sales team once they're very far along in their decision-making journey. According to Gartner, that point is at 83%. Prospects now actively avoid speaking with sales reps during most of their research.
  2. Closing a sale isn't the endgame; it's just the start. In a world where customer happiness, retention, and growth are crucial, selling to the wrong clients can stall your company’s growth. To succeed, you need everyone on your go-to-market team—sales, marketing, customer success, product, channel partnerships, and leadership—to be on the same page with account retention and expansion.

Because technology is changing quickly, and customers want new ways of purchasing, data center construction and data center real estate companies need to update how they market and sell their services. If they do this, they can become flexible and focused on customers, providing the fast, adjustable, and unique solutions enterprise data centers and data center providers need today.

Conversely, those who resist change may struggle to compete with more adaptable players in the dynamic data center construction and real estate landscape. A "disrupt or be disrupted" mentality is essential to thrive in this environment.

Data center construction and data center real estate companies must modernize their product and service offerings to remain relevant and competitive in a rapidly evolving industry. Modernization addresses the changing technological landscape and aligns with client expectations for efficiency, sustainability, scalability, and security in their data center infrastructure. Those who embrace modernization are better positioned to meet their clients' diverse and dynamic needs and contribute to the continued growth of the data center industry.

Other Data Center Construction and Data Center Real Estate Resources

  • 3 of the Best Data Center Broker Websites As businesses try to find the best solution for their colocation needs, data center brokers have increasingly started to play an important role in this process. As a result, some websites have popped up over the years to help fill in the gaps. The primary benefit of engaging a broker is getting help identifying opportunities that might not have been known to the business itself. When you work with good data center brokers, they will take the time to learn about your needs and identify opportunities that are best suited for your enterprise.
  • 3 Ways NJ Data Centers Address Site Selection Challenges Companies like to be geographically close to their data centers. As a result, the New York City financial center has been the primary driver of growth in data centers in New Jersey. This prioritization, in turn, creates various challenges for new entrants and companies already operating in the area.
  • 4 Ways Data Center Brokers Are Getting Disrupted Merriam-Webster defines a broker as someone who helps others reach agreements and make deals to buy or sell some property. So, with that in mind, data center brokers typically bring expertise in commercial real estate and mission-critical IT facilities to help identify, vet, negotiate, and ultimately procure data center facilities on behalf of their clients. With such a remarkably complex transaction, brokers as intermediaries are still a healthy business model. However, there are four major ways that data center brokers have been disrupted in recent years.
  • 5 Data Center Design Thought Leaders You Need to Follow In every industry, there are four types of leaders: Thought leaders, who harness their ideas, and are catalysts for change. Courageous leaders who bravely pursue their dreams despite seemingly insurmountable odds. Inspirational leaders who promote change in others and in their “ecosystem” through their commitment to ideas. And Servant Leaders who care about people and work tirelessly to enable, inspire, and elevate them. To be a thought leader, you often have to possess many of these characteristics. Many innovative, passionate individuals in data center design want to create customer value and optimize managed services delivery. Here are our top five thought leaders in data center design and some points on why you should follow them. 
  • 6 Colocation Space Design and Build Considerations You’ve carefully avoided fault lines, flood plains, and nearby volcanoes to pick a great site for your colocation space. Now that you can design and build it safely, what should it look like? Consider the following factors to create a colocation facility that will function correctly and attract customers from day one.
  • 6 Data Center Construction Costs That Many Overlook When considering the expenses of building and the ongoing management of a data center, you can usually bank on about sixty to eighty percent of your investment going to telecommunications cabling and systems, ventilation and cooling systems, electrical cabling and related equipment, and electronic security systems. Some critical data center construction costs take a back seat in the minds of many data center executives during the design and planning phases leading up to breaking ground for construction. When preparing your data center business plan, consider six significant capital costs.
  • 6 Data Center Investment Professionals to Follow on X (Twitter) Regarding investment ideas, it is always wise to keep an open mind and evaluate the opinions of a wide range of advisors. X (Twitter) has proven to be an excellent platform for sharing opinions and ideas, but what works for one professional might not deliver the same results for you. That is why this article features six active data center investment bloggers who are both credible and have experience-driven insights that could deliver tremendous benefits for you over the long run.
  • 6 Data Center Real Estate Professionals to Follow on X (Twitter) If you start using X (Twitter) as a search tool in your quest for data center real estate services, you will want reliable companies to follow. But with so many choices available, how do you know which ones offer the service packages you need and advice that you can trust? This article reviews the X (Twitter) feeds of six data center real estate professionals and the specific services they offer to new and existing clients so that you can make informed decisions on your next venture.
  • 7 Data Center Construction Companies to Follow on X (Twitter) Anyone running a data center construction company or looking to enter the field must stay updated with industry events. One of the most efficient ways to accomplish this is by following the top companies on X (Twitter). You can also learn which services clients are demanding, get advice on changing technologies and trends, and set yourself up for as much success as possible. Below is a list of data center construction companies that are innovative, award-winning in some instances, and active on X (Twitter).
  • 8 Data Center Site Selection Resources to Follow on X (Twitter) Wikipedia defines site selection as dealing with facility locations for business and government entities; it introduces the idea of measuring how a project’s needs compare to the merits of different locations. More specifically, many industry experts have chimed in regarding data center site selection.
  • 20 Data Center Site Selection Best Practices You have a map. You have a pin. You want to build a new data center. Where should you put that pin? Despite the Internet and virtual working, physical data center site selection is still a major decision. 
  • Are Bay Area Colocation Providers Attracting Enough Capital? Bay Area colocation has seen a boom where supply can’t keep up with the demand. The current demand for data centers in the area is almost four times more than what’s available. As more and more companies move into the area to be closer to their data centers, the urgent need for more investment in colocation centers will continue to grow.
  • Are Data Center Developers Attracting the Right Eyes? Data centers may have an excellent, competitively-priced service with a gifted team of content creators. Still, marketing efforts will fall flat if they cannot connect with the right audience. In many instances, the HIPPO is to blame.
  • Can Your Data Center Environment Pursue LEED Certification? Whether you can pursue LEED certification is fairly obvious because, of course, you can. The more important question, however, is whether you should for your data center environment. LEED, or Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, creates value, such as public relations, incentives for investment for those prioritizing environmental responsibility, marketplace differentiation, energy efficiency, employee well-being and morale, potential long-term financial savings, and carbon footprint reduction.
  • How Are Data Center Developers Evaluating Market Oversupply? Is it time to panic? Or is a market oversupply of data center capacity just a myth that keeps returning from one year to the next? Depending on their perspective, data center developers could continue to roll out ever bigger facilities. Alternatively, they could start focusing on recycling what is available and looking for new markets and alternative approaches.
  • How Data Center Infrastructure Builders Attract New Customers Attracting new clients comes down to understanding their needs, wants, and values. To attract prospects, data center infrastructure builders need to materialize sharp, engaging content conveying they understand data center needs better than any other contractors. Educational content will help builders attract prospects and develop full-funnel content and should circle back to fill their SMART goals.
  • How Data Center Realtors Find Colocation Clients As a commercial real estate broker for data centers, you are always looking to meet colocation users interested in expanding their business. These colocation users may need you to find rack space or another location to buy or rent for their servers and equipment. But what is the key to finding colocation users or your ideal customers? Here are four steps that will get colocation users to your doorstep.
  • How to Estimate Data Center Expansion Costs So now you want more. You want additional data center facilities to add servers, data storage units, racks, cabling, and network connections because your current data center is already maxed out. Data center expansion sounds like the way to go if you can get budget approval. The question is: what should go into the budget?
  • The Top 19 Data Center Design Firms Data center designers use a variety of approaches and strategies in their work. Still, some go above and beyond when it comes to innovation, superior build and layout, and commitment to client satisfaction. By combining the ideal mix of strategic infrastructure, efficient power resources, and dependable cooling equipment, designers make it possible for future data center customers to entrust sensitive and mission-critical information to the facility confidently.
  • Top 3 Data Center Real Estate Resource Technology is evolving rapidly, as is the need for data center real estate. Most companies that need a data center have a good idea of what they require regarding square footage, power,  and cooling. The technology processes are less of a mystery than the actual location. Where will the data center be located or built? What opportunities are out there for development?
  • Top 3 San Diego Data Center Problems Operators Face with Expansion San Diego data centers routinely encounter various issues when expanding their operations. These problems include exploding real estate prices, state restrictions, and environmental red tape. Because of these problems, data centers within this region have devised innovative methods to expand their operations.
  • Top 8 Data Center Electrical Design Resources Electrical power is often the biggest ongoing expense in a data center. As an indication, compared with the power consumption of an equivalent-size office block, a data center uses about 40% more and places conditions significantly more stringent on power availability. From HVAC, computing equipment, and lighting to perimeter alarms, badge readers, and coffee machines, nothing works if power is out. Data center electrical design, therefore, benefits from careful consideration and good resources. 
  • What Does It Cost to Build a Data Center? The cost to build data center facilities is one question. However, let’s back up a little. Why would you want to build a data center in the first place? Possible reasons include: Your data is too sensitive to be kept in a data center built or managed by somebody else. You already have a significant part of the data center, which makes the completion of the project economically viable compared to other solutions. You are unaware of other solutions like data center leasing or colocation. You want to be the one who offers the leasing or colocation service. You know no fear and have lots of money.
  • Which Miami Colocation Providers Are Designing and Building? It’s no secret that the largest tech enterprises are in Silicon Valley, but that doesn’t necessarily mean all their data is there. As leasing space at colocation centers becomes more popular, large and small companies store their data outside California. This activity has driven growth in the colocation market, particularly in the Midwest and East Coast.
  • Which Seattle Data Center CEOs Excel at Construction Management? The Pacific Northwest, Seattle in particular, is an up-and-coming area for data center locations due to its connectivity, economic stability, and technology infrastructure. Seattle data center CEOs have built some of the largest U.S. data centers and implemented innovative ideas in that construction. Let’s look at several data centers in Seattle and see what’s happening in construction management.

About the Data Center Sales & Marketing Institute (DCSMI) and How It Empowers Go-to-Market Teams at Data Center Construction and Data Center Real Estate Companies

If you’re part of a go-to-market team for a data center construction or data center real estate company, you play a pivotal role in the success of your data center-related business.

You and your colleagues ensure that products and services meet customer needs, get effectively promoted, and generate revenue in a competitive market. 

Your team uses a combination of market research, strategic planning, collaboration, and customer-centricity to achieve its goals.

The Data Center Sales & Marketing Institute (DCSMI) is a boutique business advisory, consulting, and training firm for data center providers as well as IT, facilities, construction, real estate, and sales and marketing companies that partner with data center providers.

DCSMI understands the unique go-to-market challenges and opportunities that data center GTM teams face in this rapidly evolving data center construction and real estate marketplace, and we're here to help you excel.

Welcome to DCSMI, your strategic partner in navigating the complex world of data center go-to-market strategy and the role of GTM teams.